Vision Statement

To empower children to become self-sufficient and responsible. At P.S./I.S. 208, we will create lifelong learners and children who are proficient in the art of Science and the science of the Arts.

Mission Statement

To prepare the leaders of tomorrow by building a nested community of learners where every participant is fully engaged in document based questions, performance oriented tasks, accountable talk, inquiry-based skills, and scientific research strategies; as well as creating a nurturing learning environment via sound instructional practices, shared consent and differentiated learning.

Instructional Agenda

Vocabulary: Using academic vocabulary frequently in order that it becomes a part of children's everyday conversation.
Discussion: Developing students' critical and analytical skills by having them speak directly to diverse partners and expressing ideas clearly and effectively.
Writing Across All Content Areas: Developing students' skills by writing routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences.

Focus Statement

To empower our staff to build capacity by implementing our instructional agenda through student agency via the 4E's of effective practices (Exposure, Experience, Execution, and Extension/Expansion).